Milan 8-10 July 2019
SGP 2019 welcomes articles on all covered topics; see the Call for Papers for additional details.
Typesetting: please format your article using the template for SGP available on the SRMv2 website:
Paper Length: SGP 2019 does not impose a strict maximum length for submitted papers. However, Computer Graphics Forum and SGP 2019 recommend that research papers be up to 10 pages (including all images, but excluding references). Papers should only be as long as their content would justify. Reviewers might rate a submission lower if it is perceived as being unnecessarily long. Authors are encouraged to use supplementary documents to provide extra content.
Anonymization: review is based on a double-blind reviewing process, so all submitted papers must be anonymized. Please be sure to remove all personal data (such as authors, affiliations, etc.) from your submission. References to your own work should be made in the third person. Reviewers are asked to keep confidentiality on all materials sent to them for evaluation.
Articles must be submitted, in electronic pdf format, using the Submission and Review Management (SRMv2) system.
Abstract submission: in order for a paper to be considered for publication, a corresponding abstract must first be submitted (within the abstract submission deadline -- see timeline below).
Additional materials: (such as video, reference implementations, additional details) can be attached to a submission and are encouraged. Additional materials are also submitted in the SRMv2 system.
Proceedings: accepted papers will be published in a regular issue of Computer Graphics Forum (CGForum), the International Journal of the EUROGRAPHICS Association. CGForum (Print ISSN: 0167-7055; Online ISSN: 1467-8659) is the official journal of Eurographics, published in cooperation with Wiley-Blackwell, and is one of the leading journals for researchers, developers and users of Computer Graphics in both commercial and academic environment. It has one of the highest impact factors in the field, and it is indexed by all major databases; additionally, the electronic version of all accepted work will also be indexed and accessible by the EG Digital Library.
Presentation at SGP 2019: accepted papers must be presented orally (in English) at SGP 2019. To give presenters more time to organize their trip, the authors are already invited to present their paper after conditional acceptance. Publication in the proceedings, whoever, requires passing the second stage of the review process.